A love story for all time...
The story of Elijah and Noelle is much more than the current snapshot of this moment. Their story is long, complicated, beautiful, filled with sorrow & joy. A little strange to say because they haven't been married that long, as marriages go. They are people that everyone seems to be envious of. The ones we all aspire to be. The sweet romantic love story that every girl dreams of. The talented & beautiful woman that every guy pictures his future with. They always seem to have time for people, no matter who they are. They are people that love Jesus. Really love Him. And it translates into every aspect of their lives.
Well. That's how it appears to the rest of the world. While people call them vulnerable, they're really just being transparent. While they appear to have it all together, they find themselves stumbling around in the darkness. The beautiful faith and love of Jesus that appears to spill over into every part of their lives...shining light even to the darkest corners and crevices of the world, are really two people struggling, wrestling & begging God to show himself because they can't see. The way they serve everyone else? It's running away from their own problems, trying to find redemption in helping others. Clinging to the idea that if they can just wait it out that this might be where healing lies. The marriage that everyone idolizes is broken & they are clinging to this idea of oneness by a single thread.
How can what appears to be so beautiful & life giving be so tainted & broken?
Like I said. The story is long and complicated and starts long before Elijah & Noelle's marriage began. Noelle's past speaks volumes into the present. She thought that she silenced the voices long ago, but now they just seem to be yelling & screaming even louder. They drown out the voice of truth that speaks into the present. Noelle struggled with an addiction for years. A dark secret that she confessed to her husband long before they were married but now comes back to haunt her. In moments of exhaustion, stress, and pain... In the darkness of self doubt. That's when she fights the hardest.
Elijah? The brokenness that he walked out of was seemingly insurmountable. The family that appeared to love but didn't. The seeming need for perfection so as not to rock the boat too much, to hold the status quo. The relationships before Noelle that scarred his very soul... But oh. Even in the midst of this. The beautiful way that God rescues is the core of his story. And this man? He loves. He loves so much it hurts.
The truth of the matter is that Elijah, in spite of his brokenness constantly loves his wife. And she him. He sees her struggling day after day but doesn't know what to do as she fights this addiction. He tries to bring peace and calm to her soul and says, let me fight for you. Take a moment to rest. Let me fight for you. But Noelle...she doesn't want to burden him with the weight of her sin. She thinks that if she holds everything inside, if she keeps silent for just a little bit longer that it won't hurt Elijah. Not realizing that he already sees. And the hurt and anguish that stir up in Elijah's soul... He tries to hold back for her sake so that he won't impose any more stress in the midst of her struggle.
So where does this epic love story end? In the quiet moments when Noelle realizes that Elijah already knows. He already sees her struggles. And she his. They both kept thinking that they were wandering to the well alone. Like the Samaritan woman. Waiting. Hoping. Daring to dream of a day when Jesus would show up and make everything right. Where their wounds would be healed, and each could run back to the other & be the lover that the other one so desperately needs.
On the day when they both realize that neither of them goes to the well alone. On the days when they realize that they carry each other.
On the day they realize that this is the same way that we try and run from God. Supposing that He doesn't already see our hurt and pain. That if we keep quiet, if we try and hold it in, that it will add more stress to our relationship with God... On the day that we see that He has already drawn us into His arms. He says speak, for I am listening. The fears that drive us to complacency and cause us to hide under our covers instead of letting His love be what clothes us, holds us together. For we too, much like Elijah & Noelle are afraid of what might happen should we choose to shed this burden. Our fear that it might be too much for God. Our fear that He might love us less... It's all swallowed up by a cross & an empty tomb. We don't go to the well alone.
Well. That's how it appears to the rest of the world. While people call them vulnerable, they're really just being transparent. While they appear to have it all together, they find themselves stumbling around in the darkness. The beautiful faith and love of Jesus that appears to spill over into every part of their lives...shining light even to the darkest corners and crevices of the world, are really two people struggling, wrestling & begging God to show himself because they can't see. The way they serve everyone else? It's running away from their own problems, trying to find redemption in helping others. Clinging to the idea that if they can just wait it out that this might be where healing lies. The marriage that everyone idolizes is broken & they are clinging to this idea of oneness by a single thread.
How can what appears to be so beautiful & life giving be so tainted & broken?
Like I said. The story is long and complicated and starts long before Elijah & Noelle's marriage began. Noelle's past speaks volumes into the present. She thought that she silenced the voices long ago, but now they just seem to be yelling & screaming even louder. They drown out the voice of truth that speaks into the present. Noelle struggled with an addiction for years. A dark secret that she confessed to her husband long before they were married but now comes back to haunt her. In moments of exhaustion, stress, and pain... In the darkness of self doubt. That's when she fights the hardest.
Elijah? The brokenness that he walked out of was seemingly insurmountable. The family that appeared to love but didn't. The seeming need for perfection so as not to rock the boat too much, to hold the status quo. The relationships before Noelle that scarred his very soul... But oh. Even in the midst of this. The beautiful way that God rescues is the core of his story. And this man? He loves. He loves so much it hurts.
The truth of the matter is that Elijah, in spite of his brokenness constantly loves his wife. And she him. He sees her struggling day after day but doesn't know what to do as she fights this addiction. He tries to bring peace and calm to her soul and says, let me fight for you. Take a moment to rest. Let me fight for you. But Noelle...she doesn't want to burden him with the weight of her sin. She thinks that if she holds everything inside, if she keeps silent for just a little bit longer that it won't hurt Elijah. Not realizing that he already sees. And the hurt and anguish that stir up in Elijah's soul... He tries to hold back for her sake so that he won't impose any more stress in the midst of her struggle.
So where does this epic love story end? In the quiet moments when Noelle realizes that Elijah already knows. He already sees her struggles. And she his. They both kept thinking that they were wandering to the well alone. Like the Samaritan woman. Waiting. Hoping. Daring to dream of a day when Jesus would show up and make everything right. Where their wounds would be healed, and each could run back to the other & be the lover that the other one so desperately needs.
On the day when they both realize that neither of them goes to the well alone. On the days when they realize that they carry each other.
On the day they realize that this is the same way that we try and run from God. Supposing that He doesn't already see our hurt and pain. That if we keep quiet, if we try and hold it in, that it will add more stress to our relationship with God... On the day that we see that He has already drawn us into His arms. He says speak, for I am listening. The fears that drive us to complacency and cause us to hide under our covers instead of letting His love be what clothes us, holds us together. For we too, much like Elijah & Noelle are afraid of what might happen should we choose to shed this burden. Our fear that it might be too much for God. Our fear that He might love us less... It's all swallowed up by a cross & an empty tomb. We don't go to the well alone.
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