A New Chapter

Pulling up to a different church this last Sunday...  Starting a new job at North Community Lutheran Church.   As I pulled up (a diet coke still in hand), I thought, and now for something completely different.  The age demographic is a little bit different here.  A much, much older congregation than campus ministry...

1.  Singing happy birthday in worship to someone... who was turning 95 years old.  (Coming from a place where the average age was 20.)

2.  Two worship services in a row.

3.  Hearing stories about "the war" and the reference being to WWII or Vietnam, not Iraq or Afghanistan.

What was completely the same?

1.  A passion for music & worship.  Watching how deeply the choir sang as they were leading worship.  Or the enthusiasm at the contemporary worship service during the last song where everyone helped by playing different rhythm instruments.

2.  Hearing the stories from people's lives....  How they've been a part of this family.  Where they've come from. Where they are going...  Seeing their passions...

3.  Hearing about God's extravagant love & grace in Jesus Christ.  How even though we are like a fig tree that doesn't really belong in a vineyard (Luke 13), being cared for, loved, included in the family...  Extravagant love, mercy, and grace.  The cross & empty tomb are real.  I am so blessed to be welcomed into this family, adopted into a different part of the vineyard.

The Kingdom is Now.


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