Future Ideas...

File this under the idea category of "possible ideas for the future."  Or under the category of "mind blowing."  Or the category of "fascinating and me geeking out."  Or under the category of "diving deeper into trying to understand the Old Testament so I can better study the New Testament."

In the church, some time it would be fabulous to spend a month celebrating the time and season of "Counting of the Omer." The seven weeks between Passover and Pentecost (Shavuot or the Feast of Weeks).

The first Passover as God delivered the Hebrew slaves out of Egypt until the time where God gave the law at Mount Sinai.

Commemorating the journey from slaves to servants.  Seven times seven days.  Each of the seven weeks representing a patriarch and the divine attributes:

Abraham --Grace, Love
Isaac --Severity, Respect
Jacob --Beauty, Compassion
Joseph --Foundation, Loyalty
Moses --Victory, Efficiency
Aaron --Glory, Aesthetics
David --Majesty, Surrender

Or through a different lense, from Jesus as the Passover lamb until the time of Pentecost.

And everything inbetween.

What would a church be like that dug deeply into that?  Where would our journey end?

The beauty of being lost in the depth of Scripture.


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