When the Blind See
It’s been almost 18 years since the adventure of a life time began. There aren’t words to describe the blessing that Youth Encounter has been to so many people. For me - it was an education. All about real youth ministry, how to play a variety of musical instruments, how to work together in a team environment, how to be flexible, how to make things about Jesus and not yourself, relational ministry, conflict/resolution skills, how to lead worship, how to lead Bible studies, how to live and work with people who are incredibly different than you are, learning to work as a team member, what real life-to-life discipleship is all about, and so much more. Youth Encounter has also gifted me with friends and family for a life time.
One such family that we met along the way was the Graf Family. A crazy youth worker in Texas whose sarcastic streak ran as long as the practical jokes did. But Henry’s reckless abandon in following after Jesus was what he was really known for. His wife graciously accepted us into their home and introduced us to their sweet toddler Kaitlyn. Henry and his family spoke deep truth into our lives, made sure we remembered what fun looked like, was there when everything seemed to fall apart, and showed the true grace of Jesus.
Through the years, his family’s path continued to cross with mine through different parts of the church. But it wasn’t until another good friend dragged me to a conference in the middle of no-where Ohio... In the midst of an incredible teaching presentation, I looked up - and there across the room sat this youth director, now pastor. It had been more than 10 years since I had seen Henry or his family face to face, but shenanigans die hard. After so many years - we learned we lived just a few hours apart. And so again - his family welcomed me with such grace into their church, home, and lives.
There are too many chapters in the story that God has been writing to share everything here - but all of this by way of an introduction. As Monday morning begins the new work week, and the text preparation for next Sunday is underway, I can’t help but read John 9 and think of the Graf Family. In the last few years, Henry and Tricia’s daughter Adeline was diagnosed with a crazy genetic illness - that among other things, left this vibrant young woman blind. From the first day that I met her and she ran up to give me a hug in Indiana, all of our Starbucks dates, to the day when she hopped in the trunk of my car and declared she would be my administrative assistant, trying to hitch a ride from Ft. Wayne to Columbus - through all of the difficulties... Adeline’s heart has shown pure grace. If I could grow up to be like her some day... And yet she has lived through all the same questions people ask in John 9. Is this her fault? Is it her parents’ fault? Where is the healing? Why do bad things happen to good people?
Through it all, God has shown brightly through her. Including the day about a year and a half ago when God provided a miracle. A true answer to prayer. A new type of glasses that helps blind people see. Watching the video footage of Adeline seeing for the first time in years is not something I’ve ever forgotten. God in action. It’s not something you want to miss seeing - Adeline’s Sight Restored
As a campaign started to help cover the cost of these expenses to purchase these glasses - the goal was met almost immediately. What was Adeline’s response? Since people continued to ask if they could help - she asked if they could please continue to give and fund others’ needs, so they could see too? It’s like the man in the story whose sight had been restored - his first thought was to bring other people to Jesus so that they could see, too.
I’m not sure I will take a step this week without thinking of this incredible family and the road they continue to travel. I’m so thankful that God granted me permission to be a footnote on their journey because they have forever changed me. Because of them, I see who Jesus is.
*If you would like to see through Adeline’s eyes - follow her Instagram Account. You can also follow Promise Ministries (LCMS) in Fort Wayne or Pastor Henry Graf’s website.
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