Encounter The Good News
So in the church year- there’s this thing called the
lectionary. It divides up the Bible into groups of different readings on a
three year cycle. It’s cool because the church around the world is studying the
same parts together even if we can’t be in the same geographically. In the New
Year, it starts us off in the Gospel of Mark.
It’s amazing because when the Gospel of Mark was written- one
of the things people knew was that when the Messiah came - one of the signs
would be an outpouring of the Spirit of God.
It was a benchmark. A litmus test. And this week? We read that’s how Mark
chooses to begin telling the story of who Jesus is. At His baptism. He starts
there because he is saying- Jesus is the real deal. Listen to what He is saying
and be amazed. This is the One you have been waiting for.
He is making all things new. Bringing healing. And
restoration. Freedom. Joy.
And so we all begin this New Year together- watching not
as the Spirit of God is poured out in the same way but rather praying that
God’s Spirit would stir up in us again. And continue to point us to the cross
and empty tomb. Because this is what it means to really live.
It’s going to totally mess up your life. And it’s going
to be amazing. Welcome to the Adventure.
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