Encounter The Promise
We live in a world
and culture of broken promises and relationships. Broken families, friendships, marriages,
relationships with co-workers… It
happens in our schools, neighborhoods, homes, government, and our
churches. As we move into a culture
that has found itself living into the idea of expressive individualism and
"my truth," how does this inform the way we understand Scripture? The lens that used to serve as a norm has
been altered in such a way that we struggle to make sense of things.
As Bishop John
Bradosky writes: "What happens in
many of those situations when someone offends us? We quickly end the relationship, neglect the
person, ignore them, say negative things about them to others. Some suggest if
the relationship requires any effort, 'if it is this difficult it can’t be
healthy,' so any extra effort is wasted.
We treat things in this world, treasures, and people, as though they are
disposable. We use people and
relationships for our own gratification, and when they no longer please us, we
walk away. It is the norm for the world, and since so many people function this
way, we feel justified in treating others the same way we feel we are
As we journey
together through this Lenten season, we will strive to lean into the truth that
God always keeps His promises. "A
covenant is the way in which the Bible describes and defines relationship: first our relationship with God and then our
relationship with everyone else."2 As we walk through the Old Testament
Scripture passages laid out for us in the lectionary, each one shares about
another covenant, or promise, that God has made to His people. As we grow in relationship with God, learning
that we can truly trust Him to keep His promises, how will that affect our own
identity and the way we live into relationship with other people?
We can only really
begin to understand the idea of a covenant "when we understand the value
that God has placed on relationships. We were created to be in a relationship
with God and with one another. Sin always
corrupts and destroys those relationships.
The witness of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation is that God has
never given up on restoring those relationships, through his covenants, his
life-giving love and ultimately in giving his only Son, Jesus Christ our Lord
who gave us life on the cross to pay the price for our complete
forgiveness. Through faith in Jesus and
all that He accomplished for us, we are in a right relationship with both the
Father and the Son. You matter
infinitely to God! You are of infinite
worth and value. This infinite God
entered our world in Jesus Christ and this same infinite Lord gave his life for
you and me. He died the death we deserve to die so that we might live through
faith in Him. Jesus gave it all for this
relationship with us."3
2Mike Breen: Covenant and Kingdom - the DNA of the Bible
3Bishop John Bradosky: The Nature of Christian Relationships – Fair
or Unfair Has Nothing to Do With It
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