As I Cry Myself to Sleep

As I cry myself to sleep tonight, my tears this night could be tears of sorrow.  For today is a day I have seen great injustice and heartache.  I have watched people lie, steal and purposely hurt others.  There is great tragedy in the world as it seems to be consumed by fire, earthquakes, floods, violence and genocide.

But tonight, my tears are not tears of sorrow but rather those of great joy.  For in the midst of the horrific news of the day, how much sweeter are the feet that bring good news.  There are those who tell young people to just give up their youthful idealism and thoughts of changing the world.  For when they enter the real world, they will realize they have to play by the rules and that there is nothing that can be done to change the endless cycle that we find ourselves perpetuating.

To those people? I beg you to stop speaking lies and instead pray that God may grant you eyes to see the beauty of the kingdom as His Spirit roars through the hallways of our church.  And not just our church building, but in the hearts and minds of people all over the world.

For the good news of the cross and empty tomb, of God who clothed himself with humanity, of an unfailing and radical love that is continuing to change the world.  That you would see beauty in brokenness, light in darkness, and victory over the grave.

If you demand proof and examples?  Today I saw a girl who by all rights should be dead, get out of bed, start her day and live life.  In a world that has constantly told her that she is not good enough, that she is not smart enough, that she is not beautiful enough.  From a father who beat her, in a life where she has only known injustice to the great point where now both of her parents are severely ill and laying in hospital beds....  She is a living testimony to the Gospel and to the greatest of rescues.

When another young person was made fun of and mocked for simply trying to look out for the needs of another?  Instead of responding in anger, asking rather...  how do I love my enemies?

But the words that brought my day to a screeching halt, the moment where I was overcome with such joy that tears were the only answer?  How many people walk into work and hear someone say, I think I figured out how to cure cancer this week...  Oh.  It's incredibly complicated.  But a girl who worked with medical missions in Kenya for a year was paying attention in an otherwise boring class this week.  Thinking and dreaming about the frustrating but beautiful work that was left behind in a field experience last year...  Frustrated by the inordinately high number of esophegeal cancer cases found in young adults.  Suddenly, in class hearing about a particular and rare fungus that attaches itself to a particular type of corn.  Realizing this is the type of corn used in this particular area where she worked, and if people were to go through an extensive cleaning process, that it would drastically reduce the number of people afflicted with this horrible disease.  Immediately contacting the hospital where she used to work....  I'm not sure which she was more excited about.  Saving so many people's lives or the fact that one of her coworkers had been talking with her at great length about Jesus and asking so many questions about her faith.

My heart melts with joy.  And thankfulness that God would allow me to see the kingdom in such a beautiful way.  To stand on the sidelines and cheer on these young people who are desperately in love with Jesus.

The tomb is empty.

The Kingdom is now.


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