The Kingdom is Now

Every once in a while you're invited in as a bystander to observe the beauty of what God is up to.  You get a glimpse, a moment, a chance to see the Spirit of God roaring through a church, a neighborhood, and some of the places you would never "expect" to see God at work.  Those people who have been forgotten.  Those who are not "enough."  Those who society has written off as "too much work" or "not worth enough" or those that should "help themselves because they created the problem."

Last week I got a chance to simply sit back and watch a group of people stand in the face of all of the lies, and I watched them plan.  I watched them stand up and say enough.  I watched them as they dare to stand in the streets and scream with their lives that the tomb is empty.

They will not stop until people understand what the Kingdom of God is about.  What the cross and the empty tomb mean.  That perfect love casts out all fear.

I sat in a small office room as I interrupted a normal Wednesday night planning meeting at First English Lutheran Church.  This group of saints had just been out in the street for a time of "positive loitering."  Because they want the kids to be safe.  They want to dispell addiction.  They want people to see people.  Because the kingdom of God is now.

I sat mostly in awe as I listened to plans being made and story after story after story.

But what silenced me was that one man said, "there are more good guys than bad guys.  People just need to know that.  We need to help people see."  And in a heart beat those words that were so close to echoing that of Scripture pierced my heart.  You see, in 2 Kings 6 we read the story of the King of Aram being at war with Israel.  The King of Aram became so angry with Elisha at one point that he sent an army with horses and chariots to surround the city.  One of the servants was terrified and Elisha's answer?  "Don't be afraid.  Those who are with us are more than those who are with them."  Then Elisha prayed and the Lord opened the servant's eyes and he saw the hills of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

We have been called to stand with our brothers and sisters at First English, so that the neighbors and families will know that those who are with us are more than those who are against.  That they will see the beautiful foolishness of the cross and the power of an empty tomb.

Consider how God is calling you to support your family in this part of the vineyard.  Please don't misunderstand, we are all called to serve in different ways in the kingdom and sometimes opportunities just need to be presented.  Maybe you know someone who knows someone who knows someone who is being called to pray, to give their time (see a list of volunteer opportunities below) or their finances (

May your life proclaim the victory and truth of an empty tomb.

FELC Ministries and Volunteer Opportunities--

Thursday Night Live:  every Thursday evening, we gather for a home cooked, community focused, family dinner.  The doors open at 5.30 pm and neighbors are invited in for coffee and conversation.  Children's activities--supervised games, arts and crafts and playtime run from 5.30-7 pm.  We also offer a Bible study from 6.15-7 pm during the dinner.  One Thursday each month, Children's Hospital and Ohio Dominican University offer a free medical clinic.  Our Advocacy Center is open from 5.30-7 pm.

Saturday Morning Kids Camp:  Each Saturday from 10 am - Noon, children from the neighborhood join us for breakfast and lunch, Bible stories, games, arts and crafts, field tirps and more.

Tutoring:  Each Tuesday and Thursday 10-15 Volunteers go to Ohio Ave. ELementary School to tutor our young sutdents from 3.30-5 pm.  Less than 50% of our children graduate from High School, so we're attempting to intervene at an early age.

Summer Block Parties:  May 31st, June 21st, July 26th and August 23rd from 5.30 - 7 pm.  The neighborhood is invited to join us for  Basketball, Music, Resources, Games, food and fellowship as we close our street and celebrate our community


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